Oikos Finland annual general assembly

An important message from Oikos Finland chair Peter Kullberg:

In just a few days, the Oikos Finland Conference will welcome over 400 ecologists and evolutionary biologists to Jyväskylä. It’s inspiring to see so many people gathered to share knowledge, spark new ideas, and build connections. This event will undoubtedly remind us once again of the value of a vibrant community.


Oikos Finland represents and serves this community, but at the same time, the community is Oikos Finland. It is all of us who make these events possible by participating actively in the community. This year, special thanks go to the organizing team in Jyväskylä, who have worked tirelessly to make this conference a reality.


At the General Assembly (for those attending remotely see teams link below) on the final day of the conference,I will step down as Head of the Board, and a new person will be selected.This is an exciting opportunity for someone who wants to contribute to shaping our society’s future. If you are interested in getting involved, whether as the next Head of the Board or in another way, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.


I look forward to seeing many of you in Jyväskylä!



Peter Kullberg, Chair, SYKE



Oikos Finland general assembly:

Welcome to the Oikos Finland annual assembly for 2025 on April 14th at 12:00-13:00 at the University of Jyväskylä's Liikunta building room L304 and on Mircrosoft Teams. 


Microsoft TeamsNeed help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 370 161 710 483

Passcode: EK3e4TD9


We warmly welcome all of our Oikos members to participate in the meeting and please go to the link below to download the meeting documents. 




Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!


Best regards,


Oikos Finland board


Peter Kullberg, Chair, SYKE

Marianne Fred, Vice chair, Novia 

Satu Ramula, Secretary, University of Turku

Sari Stark, Treasurer, University of Lapland

Jukka Forsman, Natural Resources Institute of Finland

Jukka Kekäläinen, University of Eastern Finland

Anssi Karvonen, University of Jyväskylä

John Loehr, University of Helsinki

Heikki Helanterä, University of Oulu

Markus Öst, Åbo Akademi University