Icelandic Ecological Society
Um okkur
Vistfræðifélag Íslands (VISTÍS) er samstarfs- og tengsla vettvangur vistfræðinga á Íslandi. Markmið félagsins er að ýta undir og styrkja samstarf milli íslenskra vistfræðinga sem og milli vistfræðinga á Norðurlöndunum með samstarfi við félag visfræðinga á norðurlöndum Nordic Society Oikos (NSO).
Allir vistfræðingar geta gerst félagar í VISTÍS, bæði starfandi vísindafólk í starfsstéttinni sem og ungt vísindafólk og nemar. VISTÍS heldur árlega ráðstefnu og tekur virkan þátt í ráðstefnum NSO sem haldnar eru hvert ár í einum af Norðurlöndunum. VISTÍS styður við þátttöku nemenda í sínu starfi, þ.a.m. virka þátttöku í árlegri ráðstefnu félagsins.
Finnið okkur á Twitter (@vistfr) eða á fésbókarsíðu félagsins.
About us
The Icelandic Ecological Society (Vistfræðifélag Íslands, VISTÍS) is a meeting point for ecologists in Iceland. The aim of the society is to facilitate and strengthen collaborations between ecologists both in Iceland and in the Nordic countries through our collaboration with the Nordic Society Oikos (NSO).
Membership is open to all ecologists, with a focus on professionals and early career ecologists. VISTÍS organizes a national meeting every year and participates actively in the joint NSO conferences held every second year in one of the Nordic countries. VISTÍS supports the involvement of students in its activities, including their active participation in the annual national meetings.
You can follow us on Twitter (@vistfr) or Facebook.
The annual meeting of the Icelandic Ecological Society (VistÍs) will be held in Reykjavík, on May 23, 2025.
The annual meeting of the Icelandic Ecological Society (VistÍs) will be held in Reykjavík, on April 5, 2024.
The annual meeting of the Icelandic Ecological Society (VistÍs) will be held in Laugarbakki, on March 24-26, 2023.
The annual meeting of the Icelandic Ecological Society (VistÍs) will be held in person in Hafró’s headquarters in Hafnafjörður, on April 28, 2022.
The annual meeting of the Icelandic Ecological Society (VistÍs) will be held online April 16-17, 2021.