Sandra M. Granquist

Sandra M. Granquist
I am a marine ecologist and my research is focused on marine mammal population ecology and behaviour. I am employed by the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute as a senior seal expert, and I am head of Seal Research Department at the Icelandic Seal Center. I have been Principal Investigator of the harbour seal and grey seal population monitoring programs in Iceland since 2008. This include bi-annual aerial censuses, monitoring of pup production and management advice. I lead several research projects focusing on anthropogenic impacts on seal populations due to effects of tourism and interactions with fishing industry, including behaviour studies, tagging of seals and dietary studies. Further, I have experience in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research working closely with stakeholders. I have a great interest in transferring scientific knowledge to society, for example through media, lectures and working with museums. I am a member of NAMMCO scientific council.