Oikos Denmark

Oikos Denmark



Oikos Denmark is one of five national societies comprising the Nordic Society Oikos. It holds meetings alternating annually with the NSO biennial conference. The goal of these meetings is both to present new and exciting ecological research and to provide a place where especially students and young researchers can present their work and develop future scientific networks

Oikos DK donates a number of stipends for students to participate in the joint biennial Nordic meetings.

In connection with the national meetings, Oikos DK arranges student workshops on topics of general interest to PhD students and postdocs. Two of our previous workshops have thus covered various aspects of writing and publishing scientific papers.

Oikos DK will in the future also support other minor workshops, arranged and applied for by members. The goal of these workshops is to promote networking among students and young researchers across Danish institutions in the field of ecological research.

Join the Danish society and NSO here. Follow our Facebook group and Twitter account.


Become a member


07 Apr - 08 Apr, 2025
AAU Innovation

12 Mar - 15 Mar, 2024

24 Apr - 25 Apr, 2023
Danish Institute for Advanced

10 Mar 2021 | 08:30 AM - 05:10 PM
Denmark ...

online conference Ecology & Evolution 2021.


Our Society

The Nordic Society Oikos welcomes Johan Nilsson as the new Executive Director of the NSO office.

Our Society

Nordic Oikos 2022 (Ecology and Evolution for a Changing World) was held in Aarhus, Denmark, on June 7–10, 2022.

Nordic Society Oikos

Get ready to attend (physically or virtually) the Nordic Society Oikos conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark, on January 17-20, 2022.


Bodil Ehlers

Deptartment of Biology

Nicolai Vitt Meyling

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences

Line Holm Andersen

Department of Chemistry and Bioscience

Owen Jones

Department of Biology

Lars Båstrup-Spohr

Department of Biology

Andreas Havbro Faber

Department of Biology

Simon Bahrndorff

Department of Chemistry and Bioscience