Oikos Editorial Office
Oikos Editorial Office
The Oikos Editorial Office manages publication of several journals owned by the Nordic Society Oikos: Ecography, Journal of Avian Biology, Nordic Journal of Botany, Oikos, and Wildlife Biology.
The NSO journals are published in cooperation with the scholarly publisher Wiley and the typesetter Deanta. All journals are available on-line through Wiley Online Library. Back issues of Oikos, Ecography and Journal of Avian Biology are available at JSTOR. Back issues of Nordic Journal of Botany and Wildlife Biology are available at Wiley Online Library.
The journals are abstracted/indexed in Biological Abstracts/Biosis, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Science Citation Index, SCISEARCH, Research Alert, Current Contents: Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Environmental Periodicals Bibliography, Geographical Abstracts, Key Word Index of Wildlife Research.
Learn more about NSO's internationally renowned publications.
About the Office
The Oikos Editorial Office comprises a dedicated team of managing and production editors who coordinate article production from submission to publication, helping authors and scientific editors in all steps of the publishing process. The office also arranges courses and seminars on scientific publishing for both students and established researchers.

In addition to the Nordic Society Oikos journals, the office publishes the journal Lindbergia (below) with publisher BioOne.