News Listing

Our Society

Nordic Oikos 2022 is calling for your abstracts! Join us June 7-10 in Aarhus, Denmark.

Our Journals

Learn about our Open Access Journals and the Open Access deals that help authors cover Article Publication Charges.

Finnish Society

Mikä rooli ekologisella tiedolla ja ekologeilla on aikamme viheliäisten ongelmien ratkaisemisessa?

Our Journals

Nordic Journal of Botany has a new Managing Editor: meet Friederike Gehrmann.

Finnish Society

Millaista roolia ekologinen tieto näyttelee yhteiskunnallisessa päätöksenteossa nyt ja tulevaisuudessa, kun ympäristökriisi ja sen seuraukset vaativat yhteiskunnalta niin ratkaisuja kuin sopeutumistakin?

Finnish Society

What kind of role does scientific ecological information play in societal decision making processes now and into the future when society will need solutions for the environmental crisis and its consequences?

Our Journals
Wildlife Biology

Wildlife Biology, the newest member of our journal portfolio, has long been an Open Access journal. But now that the journal is owned by NSO, it has access for the first time to many Open Access deals that help authors cover Article Publication Charges.

Our Society

General Assembly of the Nordic Society Oikos has been postponed to June 7–10, 2022

Northern Lights in Denmark

Hope to see you at NSO 2022. Join us on Twitter too!

Icelandic Society

The Icelandic Ecological Society (VISTÍS) is happy to announce that we will be giving out financial support to students who are attending the NSO Conference in Aarhus in January. // Vistfræðifélag Íslands (VISTÍS) auglýsir hérmeð styrki til umsókna fyrir nemendur sem taka þátt í Norrænu Vistfræðiráðstefnunni (NSO Conference) sem fer fram í Árósum í janúar nk.