Meet the NSO Board: Ingibjörg Svala Jónsdóttir

Introducing the Nordic Society Oikos Board! Representing Iceland is Ingibjörg Svala Jónsdóttir, Professor of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík.

Inga Svala JónsdóttirHello, Inga Svala! What does your work focus on?
Ecology teaching and research. My research focus right now is on impacts of herbivory and climate change on tundra ecosystems.

Why do you like being part of NSO and our national societies?
I believe the society and our journals are a good platform to bring Nordic ecologists together, to interact and to explore potential collaboration on related research topics.

What are your aspirations as a member of the NSO Board?
To make a significant contribution to building and developing that platform.

Can you comment on the role of our societies within global ecology in the 21st century?
Ecology will become more important than ever in understanding the natural capital we build our societies on, both locally and globally. Nordic ecologists with their Nordic perspective can contribute to a better understanding of global ecology, and NSO will play an important role in promoting that.

What's one way that your life or work has changed since the pandemic began, for better or worse?
Mainly worse, because it has hampered direct face-to-face interactions, which can never be fully replaced by technology.

What do you miss most about non-pandemic times?
The personal interactions with colleagues abroad at conferences, and of course teaching without a computer screen between me and the students.

Have you started any new activities to cope with covid?
No new activities, only more of some of the ones I did before.

Favorite organism and/or ecosystem:
Difficult to pick one. I favour the totality and am fascinated by the diverse interactions among organisms, but right now I focus on mosses and the Arctic tundra.

Favorite hobby or activity:
Cross-country skiing, watercolour painting, enjoying nature.

Favorite food:
Italian food.

Meet the other members of the NSO Board: