Meet the NSO Board: Kai Lindström

Introducing the Nordic Society Oikos Board! Representing Finland is Kai Lindström, a behavioural ecologist and professor in ecology and environmental sciences at Åbo Akademi University. Kai joined the Board in 2022.

Kai LindströmHello, Kai! What's something exciting you're working on?
We are looking at how the complexity of the habitat, both biotically and structurally, affects which individuals are successful in mating competition.

Why do you enjoy being part of our societies?
The journals are very good and important, and the meetings arranged by NSO provides an excellent overview of research in the Nordic countries.

What are your aspirations as a member of the NSO Board?
I represent Finland, and ecological research has been of very high standard in Finland, and therefore NSO should also be important for Finnish ecologists. I want to promote a two-way communication between NSO and Finnish ecologists. In addition, we are currently seeing big changes in the way science is done and I think it is important that the board is on top of that change to best serve the interests of the society.

What do you see as the role of our societies within the big picture of global ecology and its applications?
Through its members the society is the biggest expert organization in ecological matters in the Nordic countries. Perhaps the society could utilize this more in its outreach activity.

Favorite organism and/or ecosystem:
The majority of my research work is on fish, and I used to be a keen aquarium hobbyist.

Favorite hobby or activity:

Meet the other members of the NSO Board: